Friday, May 01, 2009

Mother's Day Announcement and a Giveaway!

Mother's Day is just around the corner and so this post is keeping with that theme...
A while back I hinted at a small announcement I would be making soon and I asked "What do you get when you combine a Pregnancy, a Pen and a Publisher?" Well, for starters, let me just say that NO, I am not pregnant as a few of you speculated...but I am thrilled to share that I have had a short story published. For reals!

It's a true story, one very dear to my heart, because it is about the birth of my firstborn, Noah. My story, together with over fifty other birth stories from real moms around the world, is published under the beautiful title "The Day My Baby Was Born...".
Could there be a better announcement for Mother's Day?

I wanted you, dear readers, to be the first to know, because so many of you are mothers yourself (some very recently!) and you are the best group ever! At the bottom of the post you will have a chance to win one of three copies of this book, so keep reading.

About the book:

Let me just say a few words about The Day My Baby Was Born (Sourcebooks Trade, 1 Edition April 2009). It is beautiful, honest, humorous, raw, inspiring, emotional and impossible to put down. Reading it will make you so proud to be a woman! I heartily recommend it as a gift for that special mom in your life. It has just become my #1 baby shower gift!
This book was the creative idea of author/mother LaNita McMeekan-Cates and a result of several years perseverance trying to get the manuscript published. I am honoured that she chose my story to be included in her remarkable project. Congratulations, LaNita, on your first book--your hard work paid off beautifully!

My contribution to The Day My Baby Was Born is entitled "Night of the Full Moon", and is neither an astonishing nor particularly exceptional birth story. It is merely the story of one very stubborn 27-year-old determined to give birth without medical intervention and wishing to embrace the experience without painkillers. Along the way she discovers a deep inner strength, one that she believes is bestowed upon all women, and this strength helps her reach her goal. It's an enlightening moment for her, and one that she will compare all future struggles to, knowing now that she is infinitely stronger than she had ever thought.

Mother's Day Accolades:

Since this is already a lengthy and personal post, let me just take this opportunity to quickly spotlight three moms who I think are extraordinary (read their stories and you'll see why) and wish them a very special Mother's Day.

My sister Haidi gave birth to her third child just a few weeks ago. She delivered it at home. By herself. Yep, that's right. A home birth had been planned, but the baby came so fast she beat the midwife. My sister did what she had to do and caught the perfectly healthy Amélie Soleil herself. I think I would have called 911, but hopefully I'll never have to test that theory. You're hard core, sista'!

Caroline is my sister-in-law, mother to 11 month-old Angelique and pregnant with her second baby. So far this pregnancy has been similar to her first, except for the fact that her husband has been deployed on a six month mission with the Canadian Forces to Afghanistan. Caro, your strength, faith and steady smile are amazing to see. We're here for you. Happy First Mother's Day!

Although she is a distant relative and we have never met, I have been grieving with young mother, Gigi, over the recent loss of her only child, five-year-old Braeden. Sweetie, know that he is looking down on you this Mother's Day and is suffering no more. Your strength and peace is an example to us all and a true testimony of the amazing woman you are.

Of course, sending lots of love to my own dear mum, Zoe!

Mateo & I. Photo by Tim Chin


**Update:This giveaway has ended and the winners are posted! Thanks to all who commented!**

The book's author, LaNita McMeekan-Cates and I are teaming up on a giveaway that will allow three of you a chance to win The Day My Baby Was Born. I will host the giveaway, and after a week pick three winners. You will send me your shipping addresses and LaNita will ship each of you an autographed copy of this precious book!

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post!

Note: for extra entries you can Twitter this giveaway (leave another comment letting me know you have done so) OR blog about it, making sure to link back to this post so I can track you.

Giveaway ends Saturday, May 9 at Midnight. Winners will be announced on Mother's Day (May 10)

If you are feeling unlucky or wish to own The Day My Baby Was Born regardless of the outcome of the giveaway, you can purchase it through the Amazon widget on my sidebar. That would just make my day! Thanks!

Good luck to all!!


  1. Lisa Rattai11:52 PM

    Awesome about the book! Congrats, Aimee! I can't wait to read it.

  2. Wow! Congrats on the book eh! Happy Mothers Day... I hope you get a ton of handmade gifts.

  3. Congratulations to you!! It is thrilling to see your words in print, I'm sure. What a wonderful story to hand down to you children. My birthday is on Mothers Day this year, so it will be a good day for me too.

  4. Congratulations! Birth stories are the best, I think---full of raw feelings and intense drama. I have four children, the first was a C-section birth in a clinic in Nicaragua and the last was born upstairs at the foot of my bed (according to plan, though the subsequent hemorrhaging and ambulance ride weren't).

  5. Aimee, congrats...this is wonderful news and I hopw it's a sign of things to come!

  6. Congrats, Aimee! I just recently discovered your blog.

    Greetings from Germany,


  7. Congrats on being published! What a great accomplishment! I am a mum of two beautiful children and currently pregnant with my first surro baby for friends of ours. Pregnancy has been by far one of the most rewarding things I have ever been a part of and I enjoy every minute!

  8. My gosh, Aimée! Congrats! I'm so happy for you! That is such a great idea for a book. I've often found that when a bunch of mommies get together the conversation most always turns to babies, pregnancy and giving birth. This is the perfect book to get conversations going! :)

  9. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Aimee, this doesn't surprise me! You have so much insight and depth, and can express yourself through writing like no other!! Congratulations! Just wondering, here in New Brunswick, there is a HUGE Mother's Day tradition...major Lobster this common in the rest of Canada?
    lot's of Love
    Kim McKee

  10. Congratulations, Aimee! That's very exciting news, indeed, and I'm sure it won't be long now until you have a cookbook in print, too. We love your blog.

  11. Christina Georgiadis11:16 AM

    Your post made me all teary-eyed. Congratulations, Aimee! I hope one day to be the mom that you are.

  12. Aimee! Wow! Congratulations! What a wonderful post, and I am sure a wonderful story as well!

    Take Care,

  13. Congrats Aimee! So much fun to see your words in print and what a lovely story to have published. Can't wait to see the book and read your words.

  14. Congratulations on the book Aimée!

    Reading your post this AM helped me figure out what I'll do this Mother's Day when I have the morning to lounge in bed - I'm going to finish writing our birth story. It's almost one year later, so I have to get it down on paper before I start forgetting details!

    @Kim: Total lobster pig out for Mother's Day? Sounds amazing. We may have to adopt that tradition. Though we'll almost be doing it this year as for my birthday (this weekend), DH will be making me my favorite meal - lobster crèpes with carrot emulsion.

  15. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Hi Aimee!!!

    This is AMAZING !! Grats!! You deserved it!

    Thanks for your special wish for Mother’s day… I appreciate it!

    It will be hard to be without Eric for this first special birthday but…He will be in my heart as always.

    Congrats again Aimee, I’m very happy for and proud of you and I can’t wait to read this wonderful book!!




  16. You have no idea how proud of you I am right now. Your writing was always stellar, and I just know this piece will be as well. Congratulations on this and the many more published pieces to come. I just know it.

  17. Felicidades Aimee! The book would be a lovely addition to my home library :)

  18. Anonymous5:46 PM

    just recently found your blog via dinner with julie....very good writing indeed, and i cant wait to find that book, is it going to be sold in bookstores too?
    i made your lemon loafs, however i turned them into mini and regular cupcakes! awesome! keep up the good work(words)! :)
    and i too became a wee bit teary eyed upon reading this entry! happy mothers day indeed to the ladies you mentioned!
    jenn (in niagara)

  19. Congratulations! What a great accomplishment to be published. The concept of the book is great and I think it will be a big seller for expecting moms, new moms, and even those who have been moms for years. Every mother certainly remembers that day/night, and we all enjoy reading and hearing of others. What a great idea!

  20. Anonymous10:27 PM


  21. A lovely post, Aimee. Becoming a mother gives one a new appreciation for the everyday courage of mothers everywhere. A big congrats to a great writer, and a dedicated and loving mother! Thanks for all your encouragement. I love you.

  22. Felicitation! I love baby stories. We were, in fact, just telling ours tonight to a friend. Your book would be a lovely Mother's Day gift.

  23. mlindley10:46 AM

    I can hardly wait to read it! Happy Mothers Day.

  24. excited to read this. Great giveaway!

  25. CONGRATS on having your story published -- kudos!!! Very exciting. I'd love to read your story -- I also went the no-drugs route and though it was the hardest thing I've ever done, I'm SO happy I did it.

    Happy Mother's Day!!

  26. What a lovely post! Congrats to you! My thoughts go out to your distant relative. I have a 21 month old, and the thought of losing a child is so overwhelming heartbreaking, yet I know so many strong women who have had to live through such a tragedy. Your story reminds me to take nothing for granted!

  27. What a wonderful accomplishment. I love your comments about being proud to be a mommy... I remember upon the birth of my first child, the feeling of pride that I had just joined the most elite club in the universe, of having had the chance to experience pregancy and the process of childbirth. And I was a stubborn 27 year-old too, and did it at home with no drugs; however unlike Haidi, the midwife did make it there to coach my husband and I and allow him to catch our sweet new daughter when she arrived!
    Happy Mother's Day,
    Sarah (Austin) DiGloria

  28. Congratulations Aimée! What a great book to hand down to your children. Happy Mother's Day!

  29. Congratulations! I'm very much looking forward to reading this book - I always love hearing/reading birth stories. Each one is so magical in its own special way...

  30. That is just awesome Aimee! I love this idea. It looks like a beautiful book!

  31. The book sounds really great - I know I have so many emotions about both of my overdue babies/birth stories!Congratulations on being included in this book!

  32. Congratulations on the book! You must feel very proud and accomplished, this is great! Thanks for sharing with us your joy :)

  33. What a wonderful book idea. I'm glad you got what you wanted out of your birth experience. I know I did - healthy babies. I didn't care how they came out, as long as they, and I were healthy at the end of it.

  34. Congrats! Sounds like an awesome book! I love to hear everyone's pregnancy stories.

  35. Congrats to you! I want to read that book!!!

  36. What a neat idea...congratulations on your book...I love hearing/exchanging birth stories...especially the stories like the examples you gave.

  37. What a terrific announcement. Many congratulations! I would love to see it.

  38. Congrats on your book and it sounds lovely! Thanks for the chance to read it.

  39. Congratulations!!! That's so very exciting, and I can't wait to read your story. And what amazing women and mothers you pointed out - I have seriously been brought to tears at all they have accomplished and endured.

  40. Congratulations! This sounds like a great book for moms-to-be and seasoned moms alike.

    ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

  41. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I love reading birth stories and may just have to buy a copy if I don't win one :o)

  42. Congrats on getting your story published! I would love to read this!

  43. Congratulations! What a great way to remember the day!

  44. Oh, I'd love to read this. First-hand stories give expecting mothers a much better and more personal view of the big day! I've got six expecting friends (and we're TTC) so this would be one to pass around for sure!

  45. Awesome.Kewl.1:44 PM

    Love the blog, have been lurking for months....

    ...and CONGRATULATIONS on making the book! With three babies of my own, I would dearly love to read your story and those of the other beautiful, strong women who were included as well.

  46. That's wonderful! Congratulations on getting published. Perfect timing for Mother's Day.

  47. Sounds like an amazing book! Look forward to reading it.

  48. Congrats on the book. It sounds like a good read.

    kirkandalice at gmail dot com

  49. Congratulations! That's so exciting. I love birth stories.

  50. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Yes, Congratulations. I would love to publish some of my writing -- it seems so hard to break into it. My sister is having twins soon -- funny how I'm just as excited for her as I ever was for myself!

  51. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Congratulations! That is awesome!

    Happy Mother's day!


  52. Isabelle2:04 PM

    Congratulations on the book! I will make sure to read it! Just reading your post brought back memories at the thought of my little one born 11 months ago today. Our little Cedric was born 5weeks early and has been the light of our life since then. It also brought tears to my eyes at the thought of my mom who died way too early of cancer on Easter. As we all know, motherhood can be both joy and pain, and I will be feeling both this Sunday.

  53. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I love to read birth stories...I used to search for them all over the Internet every time I got pregnant. Now, not wanting to be pregnant again, I generally stay away! But I would love to read your story in the new book!

    KorrieLou AT msn DOT com

  54. Congratulations on getting your story published! May it be the first of many more!!

  55. This sounds like a great book. I would love to win it and read it.

    charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com

  56. Congrats on the book and you said so very nice things to the other mothers

  57. That book sounds fantastic! I'll have to check it out. Thanks and happy Mother's Day to you!

  58. Aah Aimee, that is lovely! Nice one and congrats, you deserve it. Like me you clearly love mixing parenting with food, what a combo.


  59. I have just discovered your blog and I'm quite smitten...congrats on your story.

  60. Aimee, congratulations on getting your work published! Fantastic! If it is anything close to your super photographs, then the read will be as beautiful as the story's little star, Noah! Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  61. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Aimee, this may be the first but certainly not the last thing you will ever publish, I'm sure. I can't wait to read about Noah's nascence into this world - congrats! Thank you for honoring my son and me and reminding me that even though he is absent from my arms this Mother's Day, I am still his mother and was honored to have had a part of his brief but splendid life here on earth. May God bless you as you celebrate life daily with your little ones. Love, Gigi

  62. I know I'll be checking out this book! It sounds great - and I have a few friends that are pregnant with their firsts - I'm sure it would be a great gift!
