Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Five Years
The children have been asleep for a few hours, all the house lights are dark save for a lamp by my bed. My body has turned in for the night (this happens a lot earlier since I'm pregnant again), but I couldn't go to sleep without giving this date a nod.
Five years ago, with absolutely no idea what I was getting into, I started this blog. With a batch of (horribly photographed) mini lemon tarts, I began this journey as a food blogger.
Ironically, today Simple Bites subscribers topped 10,000 and monthly pageviews tipped 300,000. I don't often share hard and fast numbers, but both of those milestones - on today of all days - are rather pretty.
This won't be a long trip down memory lane recounting all the places food blogging has brought me and wonderful people I have met, because, well, although they are many, it really would take me all night.
Instead, I'd love to look ahead. What will the next five years hold? Well, we know there's a baby in there, right around March. A third child to toss my cooking under the high chair. Ah well, it was getting a little too clean under there.
There are also things that I'm not at liberty do discuss - don't you just hate that? I do. That small TV thing, which I've signed all sorts of NDA's for and we won't hear about until spring...There's also that somewhat larger print project-thing, which is still in progress and more or less 'hush-hush'... An upcoming, but-not-yet-announced speaking engagement at a pretty legit blogging conference...
Gee, what can we talk about? Bloggers without Borders. Now there's a blogging related project I'm proud about. My fantastic contributors on Simple Bites; love those ladies (and one man, obvi, as I'm married to him).
Well, public knowledge or not, there's plenty of exciting things happening, and they all stem from this little space that I started five years ago. I couldn't be happier.
Thank you to each and every one for reading, for following on Twitter, for joining me over at Simple Bites...FOR YOUR SUPPORT. A blog is nothing without readers, so the full credit, the true acknowledgment, goes out to you.