Monday, September 10, 2007

Tomatoes, Bread and Cheese. Repeat Several Times.

Tomatoes, bread and cheese. Tomatoes, bread and cheese.
For a while now I have been craving little except for crusty fresh bread, sweet garden tomatoes and any cheese I can get my hands on. Something about the simple and classic combinations of flavors appeals to my occasionally queasy, first-trimester-preggers stomach. Of course the bountiful harvest of fresh tomatoes from my little kitchen garden would be tempting to just about anyone.

While tomato sandwiches have been a lunch staple for a good week now, I decided to take my trio of ingredients to the next level--and use up that fresh mozzarella in my fridge. What could be better than a pizza?
Allow me to share my current favorite pizza dough recipe with you. I say current, because I am always on the hunt for the perfect crust. Like the ones I had in Italy. Who knows if my search will ever come to an end this side of the pond, but for now this one will do.

Pizza Dough

60 ml warm water
1 tablespoon yeast
2 1/2 cups white flour
180 ml cool water
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon honey

In the bowl of your Kitchen Aid or stand mixer, dissolve yeast in warm water and let sit a few minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and with the dough hook, beat on medium for a minute until combined. Knead on low for five minutes. Dough will be soft.
Coat dough in olive oil and cover with a towel. Let rise in a warm place 30 minutes. Punch down dough and divide into portions. It is now ready for pizza making!
Makes enough for three 12 inch pizzas.
May be refrigerated for up to two days. Freezes well.

Cherry tomatoes, basil and fresh mozzarella were my toppings of choice as well as a drizzle of olive oil, homemade sauce, and fresh cracked pepper.
Mmm, just what the doctor ordered!


Abby said...

O MAN does that look good. And I second this "because I am always on the hunt for the perfect crust. Like the ones I had in Italy"

I lived off pizza margherita in Italy, but I've never had one even CLOSE to what I had over there while at home!

UP said...

That looks good. Every couple of days, I come across a food Blog that I will forward to my two oldest boys. They both love to cook. So today I will forward this to them.

Cookie baker Lynn said...

That looks just perfect! I think it will have to be lunch here today, if I can find a ripe tomato among all the greens.

Deborah said...

Wow - that looks like a perfect pizza!

Nora B. said...

That's pizza perfection, Aimée. I can eat that everyday. I wish we can get fresh buffalo mozzarella more easily here.

Anh said...

Dear Aimee,

After reading your post, I know what I HAVE TO have for dinner. your pizza is just too good.


Anh :D

Jen said...

Wow, this looks better than any pizza I have ever bought. It goes to show that home made is best. Awesome job!

Michelle said...

Yummy! Do you feel inspired to post your homemade sauce? I'm always on the lookout for a yummy tomato sauce. :)

Aimée said...

Hi Abby- Ah, so you understand.

Hi up- Thanks for stopping by and for passing on the love!

Hi Lynn- Welcome to UtHC! With the cooler weather, it's getting more difficult to find red tomatoes, isn't it?

Hi Deborah- Thank you! It was pretty close!

Hi Nora- well, I don't know if I could eat it every day. You're not Italian are you? :)

Hi Anh- Well thank you! Enjoy your pizza!

Hi jenjen- Thank you! It is hard to enjoy take-out after eating your own pizza...

HI Michelle- Right-o. Well I don't use a recipe, I just simmer fresh tomatoes with herbs and maybe garlic if I am in the mood. Let it reduce until thick, season it and voila!

Fruity said...

That's a nice fruity pizza, never tried it before. Just love to read about food blog. Cheers from Fruity

Belinda said...

Aimée, oh my goodness! You have outdone yourself with this amazing pizza! It looks beautiful, very worthy of your wonderful fresh from the garden tomatoes. This is pizza perfection without doubt! :-)

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Hi Aimee, I get it absolutely but def not preggers. Thought has crossed my mind though... :)

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I want to come and see your doctor if this is what he ordered!!!I love using fresh mozzarella on pizza. It just adds a little something indescribable.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here eating a reasonably hearty lunch as I read this, and you're making me hungry! Looks beautiful and delicious.

Your pizza crust--does it stay thin when you bake it, as in New York pizza thin? We're looking for a pizza dough that doesn't puff up on you.

Anonymous said...

I was inspired. I used our homemade marinara sauce and added a bit of chicken for my husband, and it was amazing!

Aimée said...

Hi Fruity- Cheers man! Thanks for dropping by!

Hi Belinda- Gee, thanks, you are too kind!

Hi Amanda- Just teasing, of course!

Hi Valli- I'll see if I can get her to write you a prescription--12 inch pie OK?

Hi Terry- Thanks, yes it does stay thin. I know, I hate a big fat crust. Doesn't get the nice charred bottom on a NY pizza, though.

Hi mlindley- Way to go! Good you threw some protein in there for the hubby. Don't tell mine. :)

Anonymous said...

yum...yes please :)

Anonymous said...

Ooo ... the pizza looks great! Wish I could sink my teeth to a slice! ;)

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