Monday, December 17, 2007

Weathering Out a Storm with Peanut Butter Fudge

A major storm blew in our way yesterday: a foot of snowfall combined with high winds made for a twenty-four hour blizzard. Our concert was postponed, people holed up in their houses, our evening guests canceled, and the city basically hunkered down to weather it out.

A few hours before the snow was about to fly, I went out to buy staples. The grocery store parking lot was packed bumper to bumper as folks hastened to stock up on staples before they got snowed in. While most people were doubling up on milk, diapers, bread and maybe wine to last them through the storm, not I. I bought a jar of marshmallow fluff and a jar of smooth Skippy peanut butter.

I had seen this recipe for Killer Crack Peanut Butter Fudge on the ever inspiring blog Cookie Baker Lynn and knew this is what I would be needing to make it through the storm. Lynn calls her fudge the crack cocaine of the candy world, so addictive you can not have just one piece, and warns that after consuming the whole pan (naturally the only choice here) you may find yourself huddled under the table, holding your sore tummy and whimpering for more.

This sounded like my kind of fun and even before I had finished reading Lynn's post (aptly named Warning: Hazardous Material) I was reading for a pen to make a shopping list. No, you're right, I don't keep marshmallow fluff on hand.

This fudge turned out to be every bit as good (or 'bad', depending on your view of drugs) as Lynn had threatened. The texture alone is so amazing, you never want to be without a piece melting on your tongue. If you are a peanut butter fanatic, you'll want to print up this recipe and invest in some marshmallow fluff shares.

This morning the sun shone brightly, glistening off the three foot drifts of snow. Luckily, Noah and I were able to dig out his sled from where it was nearly buried and go for a brisk walk.
Hey, I have to work off that fudge somehow!!

Killer Crack Peanut Butter Fudge (from Lynn)

3 cups sugar
3/4 cup butter
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 cup peanut butter
1- 7 oz jar marshmallow creme
1 tsp vanilla

Combine sugar, butter, and evaporated milk in a heavy 2-1/2 quart saucepan. Bring to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly. Continue boiling over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent scorching. Remove from heat. Add the peanut butter, stirring until melted.. Add marshmallow creme and vanilla; beat until well blended.

Spread in a buttered 9 x 13 x 2 - inch pan. Cool at room temperature, then refrigerate. Cut into squares when firm.


Anonymous said...

Wow...looks like my kind of drug!

test it comm said...

Those look so good. Peanut butter fudge made with marshmallow creme...mmm... Nice photos.

Mandy said...

That looks amazingly decadent and delicious! Mmmm... and the snow pic is gorgeous as well. Don't you just love it when it sparkles like that? Stunning.

David Hall said...

This is disastrous. I'm in training for a 10k run this weekend in an effort to remove some bulge before Xmas - and now I just HAVE to make this with my daughter later on today. How am I going to remove the pounds with temptations like this being thrown my way!?!?!?


Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

A great way to weather the storm Aimee! Kind of dangerous for me to be holed up with fudge though!!!My hips would rebel!

Sandy said...

We were hit with a storm too, and I love it! I also will be printing this recipe off for my Christmas goodies list. Thank you.

Patricia Scarpin said...

Lynn sent me an email with this recipe a while ago and it's been driving me crazy, Aimée - now that you made it too, I have one more reason to!

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

I'm sending you the bill for my next shopping trip which will be for a lot of bigger size clothes!!

I just read through the list of ingredients - what's mashmallow creme and can you substitute it with just marshmallows? I'm off to google this and investigate.

Cookie baker Lynn said...

So glad you survived the snow and the fudge. Thanks for all the kind words about my blog!

Aimée said...

Hi Miranda- I have no problem with that!

Hi Kevin- Thanks! It tastes much better than it looks, though.

Hi Mandy- The snow is SO beautiful; we love it!

Hi David- Uh oh. Sorry about that! good luck with your run.

Hi Valli- Yes it is dangerous, but living on the edge is so much more interesting!

Hi Sandy- Have fun and happy baking. Yes, I bet the boys love the snow.

Hi Patricia- It makes a great gift, too, so drive some other people crazy!

Hi Amanda- I am really not the expert on marshmallow cream...I buy a brand called "Fluff". I don't think you cold substitute marshmallows.

Hi Lynn- Thanks to you, we weathered the storm quite happily!

winedeb said...

Hey Aimee, I can relate to the snow as I was stuck with it last Saturday when I was still in Ohio. Now I am glad to be back in the sun again!
Oh that fudge looks so comforting! Brings back memories too as my son and hubby would make peanut butter fudge for the Christmas table:) Nice photos!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and can't believe I've been toiling, unappreciated, in my kitchen alone. Until now. Thanks for putting this all together. My best efforts end up on the floor too. Our renos are not done, however, and the floor is actually near-shag carpet - the double insult.
I was actually looking for an alternative to a high chair when I found your blog. anyone have ideas for a "little big girl" who is only 15 months but wants a big chair?

Deborah said...

I have this recipe from Lynn bookmarked! We were supposed to have a huge snowstorm come through last night, but we only ended up with about an inch. I was hoping for more - so I wouldn't have to come to work today!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I am a peanut butter fudge junkie, I am planning to make this very is a good thing I am still nursing :)

Dana said...

When I was little, I used to love it when we'd get snowed in because my mother and I would bake all day! This looks like just the thing we would have loooved. Looks totally addictive.

Aimée said...

Hi Deb- At least you got a little snow for the holidays! Enjoy your sunshine now.

Hi Anon- Isn't it nice to know you are not alone? Hang in there on those renos. Hmm, a booster seat for your little one perhaps?

Hi Deb- It is fun to get snowed in once in a while, and yes, no work or school!

Hi Anon- That's such a hidden bonus of nursing, eh? Noah just nursed the pounds right off of me!

Hi Dana- What better time to bake, eh? Some people watch movies, but not I!

Anonymous said...

Yum Yum Yummy!!!!
Another 'must try' for us!
Great Photos!

vanillasugarblog said...

whoa...yeah I can see how that would be dangerous to have just sitting around.

Buffie said...

This is very similar to the recipe I use (I use less butter and more marshmallow creme) so I know it's delicious. I make it every Christmas and even give it as gifts.

Denise said...

Just made this fudge! Directions were perfect! Fudge is delicious and creamy! Thanks for "easying up" my holiday cooking. Great job!

Anonymous said...

I've made this the last couple of Christmases with Wowbutter (peanut allergy) and it's amazing! Thanks for the recipe!

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