Recently I stocked up on some home spa treatments to pamper myself with on my birthday. My little shopping spree at the galerie beauté left me with a big bag of products, a rumbling tummy, and a question:
What is the deal with food-flavored hair and body treatments?
Indulge me for a moment and listen to this list:
Chocolate Cappuccino Cheesecake shower gel
Banana and Soy bath soak
Grapefruit foot soak
Cinnamon Apple Pie foaming bath
Cocoa body butter
Vanilla Brown Sugar Cupcake bubble bath
Chocolate mud facial mask
How can anyone say no to labels like that?
Talk about a marketing strategy, they got me hook, line and sinker. Yep, I bought all of the above. Forget about lavender, verbena, or even lemon, heck, I wanna smell like a brown sugar cupcake with hints of banana and soy on my birthday.
Apparently food is not just the way to a man's stomach anymore, it's also paving the way to
My chocolate mud facial had a better consistency than most buttercream, somewhere between Nutella and a creamy mocha mousse I made recently.
It smelled heavenly. I couldn't resist a little lick as I was applying it to my face...
Woah, that was a big mistake and a very disappointing one too. It stung my tongue in a sharp chemical-like way and I have to have a spoonful of Nutella to get the taste out of my mouth. (In the meantime I tried to convince Danny that I was really swirling my mud mask around in my mouth, but he didn't fall for it. Smart man.)
So yeah, I'm 30 today.
I don’t usually make a big deal about my birthday.
It generally slips by fairly uneventfully, my siblings forget to call, and there is typically a dinner date with Danny the weekend before or afterward. I tend to lean more toward the school of thought that once you reach a certain age, every birthday doesn’t need to be celebrated with the fanfare of a childhood birthday. Sure, it should be recognized, but I’m not going to stomp my foot and get pouty if the day is not all about me. Save the cake and sparklers for a milestone birthday, like every decade, or half a decade.
Or if you are turning really, really old like I am today.
I know all you wise people who celebrated thirty many years ago are all rolling your eyes and saying
"She calls that old?”
but try to remember back to when it was you and what it felt like. I just don’t feel middle aged. Heck, I often don’t feel mature enough to be the mother of two babies with responsibilities like a mortgage and a subscription to the Montreal Gazette. OK, maybe that last one isn't such a serious obligation, but you know what I mean, domesticated suburbia-style.
So, happy birthday to me. I’m off to--not sure really. The babysitter (aka. awesome MIL) is here and my carriage awaits to sweep me off to somewhere fantastic.
I just hope it's not the spa.
Now for the mousse!! Tell me there is no better duo than coffee and chocolate. This mousse even made a believer out of a non-coffee fan. I know, I hardly believe I can be friends with someone who doesn't love coffee with every fiber of their body, but it's true. A great do-ahead dessert, you can make this the morning of your party and let it sit in the fridge while you rush around doing all the last minute stuff.Not that I ever do that.
Mocha Mousse (from The Silver Palate Cookbook)
I served this mousse in martini glasses for a girly-girl party I had. Oh, and save those yolks for a nice batch of creme brulé!
1/3 cup sugar
6 tablespoons espresso or strong coffee
6 ounces semisweet chocolate
4 tablespoons light cream
3 egg whites
1 1/2 cups heavy cream, chilled
In a heavy saucepan, dissolve sugar in coffee over medium heat. Set aside. In the top part of a double boiler set over simmering water slowly melt chocolate. When melted, whisk in light cream and the coffee mixture, stirring until smooth. Cool.
Beat the egg whites to soft peaks. Gently fold in 1/2 cup of the chocolate mixture. Pour this mixture back into chocolate mixture, folding gently. Beat chilled cream to soft peaks and fold gently until totally mixed.
Pour into 8 individual dessert glasses or one large serving dish (I filled a pastry bag and piped mine into martini glasses) and chill for four hours.
Garnish with your favorite decoration: a mint leaf, chocolate covered coffee bean, chocolate shavings, a cherry....
Happy birthday!! I turned 30 last year. I'm turning 31 next month, and somehow, it feels even bigger than 30. Enjoy your day - you deserve it!!
Happy birthday! I'm one of those people who turned 30...well, a long time ago. But I remember how much fun it was to mark that milestone. Hope you have a wonderful celebration!
Happy birthday to you!! 30 seems like a distant memory now!!! LOL As soon as the cochonet (she really wants to meet you too) gets home, I'm organizing a mom and kid get together! And this will happen before the snow! I promise. Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthdaaaaaaaay dear Aimeeeeee! Happy birthday to youuuuuuu! As my children would say, CHA-cha-cha! Hope you have a FABULOUS day and a year filled with health,children willing to give your food a try, and the money to continue to make all your yummy treats!
~Ingrid :-)
I have 2 of the Silver Palate Cookbooks that I need to break out again...happy 30th will be 30 for the rest of your life...both my mom & I are still 30:D
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your indulgences today.
Every time it's someone's birthday I get that Beatles song in my head. So, indulge me if you please, in your best Sir Paul voice: "They say it's your birthday!!! Tadadadadadada!!! Happy birthday to ya!!!" :D
Hope you have a wonderful day! Don't worry about getting older, we all do! Oh, and thanks for sharing that mousse recipe, I'm one of those coffee lovers, so that's right up my alley.
Happy birthday, Aimee! First, 30 isn't even vaguely old. You're just warming up, my friend, and you've accomplished quite a bit in those 30 short years. And second, someone celebrating a much higher number than that once said to me that she didn't feel old, but was just amazed at the number of miles that had turned over on her odometer. A good way to look at it, I think.
Happy Birthday dear sister! I didn't forget today. You deserve a celebration - and more!
Thirty is the fist big birthday that you don't want to turn. No perks suddenly come your just start being annoyed by the teenagers who are now wearing the same styles we did as kids. I turn 30 next year...I feel ya. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday! And, what a yummy mousse :)
Happy birthday, darling!
I'll be 30 next November and then I'll let you know how it feels. :)
You are such a caring mother and truly good person, I know many nice wishes will come your way.
And having that mousse around won't hurt either. :)
Warm hugs from Brazil to you, darling!
I'm singing.... can you hear the breaking glass, shattering in to tiny pieces as I hit the high notes..? Happy Birthday Aimee - 30 eh?! Landmark birthday that! Hope you had a great one. xx
Happy Birthday!! My soon-to-be-hubby turned 30 this year and had a little bit of a "moment" as well. Coupled with getting married in a few months and relatives throwing baby questions our way, his moment was totally understandable. Just remember that you are so blessed to have such an amazing life at such a young age! Most of my 30 year old friends are still searching for "Mr. Right" and trying to make their rent payments every month. Hope you had a special night and someone else did the cooking. :)
happy birthday! so many august babies in the food world!
What a list - I will be 42 in Sept and I think you are on to something as a self treat!!
Oh and the mouse amazing recipe - This I will have to try
Hi Deb- Hmm, that's funny, wonder why that is?
Hi Lydia- Milestone indeed, thanks for the well wishes.
Hi Cara- Sounds good. What can I bring? :)
Hi Ingrid- I'll toast to that! Many thanks!
Hi Valli- I was wondering how that works...
Hi Cheryl- Merci and don't worry, I indulged!
Hi Lyb- Oh, I'm not worried, just had to say goodbye to the roaring 20's and I'm ready to look ahead!
Hi Terry- Thanks for sharing, that's a lovely way to put it.
Hi Haidi- Love ya. Good to chat tonight.
Hi Anna- I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe what they all say about the 30's being better than the 20's will prove to be true!
Hi Lucy- Thanks!
Hi Patricia- So many people turning 30 this year! Thanks for your kind words and the hugs!
Hi Amanda- Many thanks! Oh, I am well aware of the landmark!! Massive!
Hi culinarywannabe- Wow, big year for your fiance. I didn't cook don't worry, and I draw the line at making my own birthday cake. No way!
Hi Sarah- Thanks for stopping by! I'm honored!! I know your birthday is coming up. Happy birthday to you too!!
Hi Cathy- Go ahead, pamper yourself.:)
Happy Birthday! Honestly 30 didn't bother me - I looked forward to feeling "grown-up" (not that it happened!) - 39 was the deal breaker for me though, so I do understand :)
Happy birthday! 30 is not old at all. Oops, that makes me sound really old, doesn't it?
Your mousse looks divine. I'm not a coffee fan, but put it in chocolate and I'm all over it. Question - is the uncooked egg whites a problem or a non-issue?
Happy Belated Bday! I hope you had a great time!!
Happy birthday, hot stuff!
Happy Birthday! 30 is not middle age! You have another decade for that. Don't know what sounds better...the mousse or body products:)
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