Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spice Kit Redraw

Dear Readers-
Not long ago I celebrated two years of blogging at Under the High Chair and I gave away a lovely little gourmet spice kit--or at least I tried to.

What's that? You say. You mean that kit isn't on its way to the lucky winner?
Nope, it's still on my kitchen counter. It is rather difficult to ship it out when you have no idea where it is going! The winner, a girl named Jill, has yet to claim her prize and I must confess, I am really tempted to pick another name. I have conferred with some respected members of the food blogging community and no one knows the protocol for an unclaimed prize. In fact a few of them tried to convince me to give the present to them! Hmm.

So Jill my dear, whoever you are, here's what we are going to do. You will have until Saturday, September 28 at midnight to send me an email with your mailing address and claim you prize. (uh, no impostors, please) If I still haven't heard from you, this is what am going to do:

Listen up everyone!

I will randomly pick, not one, but seven names from the original giveaway post and post them all here. The FIRST person to get back to me with their complete mailing address wins the spice kit. The thinking behind that plan is to avoid another 'Jill' scenario (sorry, Jill!) and have the spices go stale for another two weeks while I wait for the new winner to contact me.

So, look for seven names to be posted here on Sunday. Good luck everyone!


Emily said...

Uh,'s me, "Jill". Sometimes people call me that. It's an old nickname from high school.

Sorry I'm so late in claiming my prize. I didn't know I had won.

So yes. Please ship it to me immediately. You can find my info on Facebook. ;)

Peter M said...

Hi!!! I'm know, Jill's friend?

I would like to claim her prize (she's busy fetching me water)!

LyB said...

This is so not nice of me, but I hope Jill isn't going to contact you! I want another chance at that spice kit! :)

Anonymous said...

I have a friend named Jill, does that count? : )

Aimée said...

Nothing but trouble, the whole lot of you--except Lynne and especially Peter.

My Sweet & Saucy said...

Pick me! Love the look of it!

Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping Jill does not claim her prize :)

LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog :)


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