Saturday, April 11, 2009


If you take the usual packed schedule of Easter, add a birthday brunch and a wedding shower, you have my agenda this weekend. Toss in a sick computer to the mix, and it makes for a few days of difficult blogging.
On top of things, my family and I are both celebrating the birth of a new baby and mourning the death of an uncle this week, and so I'm sure you'll understand why I'm taking a brief hiatus from UtHC and all my favorite online haunts.

Miss me.

Happy Easter.


PheMom said...

Missing you but sending good though your way in a difficult and yet joyful time. Happy Easter!

missweb said...

Our condolences Aimee. Thanks for all the inspiration. Happy Easter.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Happy Easter! And I hope things settle down for ya!

Elyse said...

We do miss you! My thoughts are with you during these both exciting, difficult, and busy times. Happy Easter!

Kate said...

Sending my warmest wishes your way, Aimée.

Tiffany Rieder said...

I think having 2 small children is enough of a valid excuse for taking a break...atleast for me.

Terrie said...

Sending lots of love and support

Lo said...

Consider yourself missed.
Hope your holiday weekend was better-than-expected :)

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Hope you had a great Easter.

Maria said...

Enjoy your break. Sorry about your uncle, but congrats on the new baby. Take your time, but we will miss you!

Julie said...

Aw, hang in there. I'll be one of many thinking of you!

Shari@Whisk: a food blog said...

Condolences and hugs. Miss you!

Culinary Wannabe said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, but also congratulations for the new addition to the family. I hope you had a lovely Easter and were able to celebrate and enjoy your family and friends.


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