Monday, March 03, 2008

Leap for Joy....It's a Boy!

Under the High Chair is very proud to welcome

Mateo Jules

into the family.

Born February 29, (Leap Year) 2008 at 1:46 in the afternoon

Weight: 6 Lbs, 7 oz, Length: 19 1/2 inches

Baby Mateo is healthy and eating and sleeping like a champion.

Mama Aimee is relieved to have survived the hospital food,

thrilled to be back home,

and hopelessly in love with her little boy.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! He is beautiful. I wish you all the best, and plenty of sleep.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Congratulations! What a pleasure to welcome your son into the world.

Peter M said...

Congrats you lub' machine! lol

You lucked out on the leap year baby (less B-days)!

Ginny said...

Congratulations!!!! He is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I love the name Mateo. I just watched this wonderful Italian movie called The Best of Youth and one of the lead characters is named Matteo. Excellent name.

Oh, and congratulations! He is very sweet and precious of course!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Aimee!
He's gorgeous.

Deborah said...

congrats! He is adorable!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, he is beautiful!! Get some rest, and then I can't wait to hear all about your sushi-fest in celebration!!


Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

You must be so proud Aimee. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful little boy born on a special day :D

RecipeGirl said...

Goodness gracious- he's about the most darling little cutie I've ever seen!! Many congratulations to you and your family. Enjoy your days!

Lynda said...

Congratulations - He looks just adorable. Take care to rest and take time to gaze at your bub, for hours on end.

Mandy said...

Congrats Aimee, Danny & Noah!

A leap year baby - how fun! He's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Many congrats!!

winedeb said...

OMG Aimee! On my blog on leap day I ask the question of how you were going to spend your extra day this year! Now I know what you were doing! He is precious! I am thrilled you are both doing well and I am sure Noah is excited about his new baby brother!
Congratulations to your whole family!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Congratulations, sweetie!! He's so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love your baby boy, blog and recipes=)


Hit Pay Dirt said...

Congratulations Aimee! I was listening to a radio host interview Leap Year babies last Friday and they all had some great birthday stories. Mateo will always feel special for having been born on that day. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. A beautiful child.

Shayne said...

he is so beautiful! Congratulations!

K. said...

*delurking* Félicitations!

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Awesome!! He's beautiful, a keeper for sure. Best wishes for a quick recovery. Congratulations!!

Aimée said...

Thank you all so much for your well wishes! We are recovering quickly and enjoying every minute of our new baby.
Mmmn, enjoyed a nice wine and cheese tonight, too....

LyB said...

Congratulations Aimée, enjoy your time with your family, every second is precious! :)

Anonymous said...

congrats, he is beautiful! i am so happy for you. :)

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Oh Aimee! Thank you for that comment on my blog this morning. I cried (of course! But pure tears of joy!).

Well done you brilliant and wonderful Mama you

and a very big welcome to Mateo Jules.

All our love
Amanda x

David Hall said...

Aimee, massive congratulations to you all, he is beautiful! Bringing back lots of memories for me, it seems like just yesterday.

Hope the feeding etc is all going well, looking forward to hearing all about him.

All the best
David and family x

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely perfect and beautiful in every way. Congratulations on your new addition!

Babies are such a wonderful gift. Enjoy (and remember to relish every nap you can get!)

All the best!

Sandy said...

Oh my, he is absolutely precious! Congratulations to you and your family. And now Noah has a little baby brother, yay!

2 boys, Aimee, you will need your fridge even more full in the years to come! But what fun you will all have together.

Take good care of yourself.

Marie Rayner said...

Congratulations! What a lovely baby boy you have there! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! He's a beautiful boy, no doubt about it!
Best wishes to you and your family!
(I bet Noah is a proud big brother!)
I'm also one of those who loves your blog and tasty recipes... :o)

Best wishes,

Nora B. said...

Congratulations, he is gorgeous! And enjoy your post-partum plan/

x Nora

Rachel@fairycakeheaven said...

Congratulations he's absolutely divine!!!

Angela said...

Congratulations. He is adorable.

Helene said...

Congratulations Aimee! That is the most excellent news!! He is gorgeous!

Melanie Anne said...

What a beautiful baby boy!! COngrats! I am happy to have found your blog! I love your recipes and photography!

tammy said...

He's beautiful!! Happy, happy!

Jessica said...

Totally adorable!

Aimée said...

A big welcome to all the newcomers and lurkers leaving their first comment!
Thank you SO much for you well wishes!!
See you around...

PheMom said...

Congrats! I also have two boys (youngest will be 5 months this week, but since he arrived two months earlier than expected he is more like a three month old). I love being a girl, but I have to say, baby boys rock!

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Congratulations!!! Enjoy those tiny fingers and toes :)

Alice Q. Foodie said...

What a gorgeous baby! I just found your blog, and I see that we share a passion for Tony Bourdain. :-) I am sure I'll be back! Cheers to sushi and runny cheese!

Abby said...

Congrats! He's beautiful - and has such a lovely name. I'm just catching up on things ... my 20-week little one is STILL making me a bit sick!

Anonymous said...

congrats Sis! love - Josh

Mandy said...

Congratulations, Aimee!!!! Your baby is adorable! Rest well and eat well. :)

Emily said...

Oh CONGRATS! I was wondering where you went to. Sorry I didn't get here sooner.

dina (Lucas' mom) said...

I am just seeing this now. I am SO happy for you..what an adorable little guy. I've missed your blog!

Mrs Ergül said...

I hope it's not too late to Congratulate you for your newborn! I'm new at your blog :) With two boys, your hands must be very full now! I'll be really happy too if I can pregnant one day!

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