Monday, August 08, 2011

Goodbye July

It's August, which means were eating corn for dinner 5 nights a week, I'm making birthday plans, and Christmas merchandise has showed up at Costco.

July sped by in a blur of pool parties, potlucks, weddings, and long afternoons spent keeping cool. I dedicated a series to frozen treats over on Simple Bites and, for the most part we survived the heat wave.

We started the month with a perfect three-day camping trip, followed by a most memorable U2 concert under warm Montreal skies. Best. Show. Ever.

The month was punctuated by our baby news! It was a thrilling discovery, but one that plunged me into exhaustion so deep I felt --and still do-- that every day was Moving Day. ‘Moving day fatigue’ is the best way I can describe to Danny how my body feels in the morning as I lie pinned to the mattress.

Fortunately, he's been off work for the last 2 weeks and has gallantly risen every morning to prepare breakfast and coffee for us, and keep the kids quiet until I can rouse myself.

I think my strength is slowly returning; hopefully my appetite is not far behind.

So yes we are expecting again, anticipating the new arrival in early March. Danny is hoping for a leap year baby again, which could easily happen. I for one, won't truly relax until the first ultrasound and they tell me there's just one baby.

As twins run in my family, the chances of doubling the number of our children with this pregnancy is definitely a possibility. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of an adventure!

Central Park

At the end of July, I hopped on a plane to Jersey for Big Summer Potluck. I cemented some online friendships, made new ones, laughed myself silly, and spent a day eating New York City. It was the best of times.

In an update on our urban homestead, our backyard project of the month was finally completed and I now have 4 raised garden beds. They terrace down the hill toward the forest, framed by a massive weeping willow. I love them.

I planted a little fall garden -- lettuce, spinach, watercress and arugula-- and little sprouts are already peeking up from the earth. My herb garden is thriving, thanks to bedding plants I was able to find at a local nursery.

Next year I will plant a complete garden; it's reassuring to know that as soon as the snow melts the spring I'll have a garden space ready to plant.

August holds some canning projects, a visit from long-time friends, my birthday, back to school for Noah, and at the end of the month, a trip out to Vancouver to film a little project for TV...

But that story is for a another post.

Goodbye July.


Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Congratulations on all the heartwarming successes in your life, a loving family and friends, birthdays adn future projects.If only the summer could last forever.

Alissa Maxwell said...

Congratulations Aimee! I can soooo relate to your words. As we contemplate the decision to move from 2 to 3, we are ever mindful (fearful?) of the chance of going from 2 to 4! Here's to health and restored energy.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Of all of the wonderful things about your July, seeing U2 in concert would have to top the list. I've always wanted to see them live, but never have. I hope your August has you feeling a bit better. xo

Anonymous said...

Great news, Aimee! How wonderful that you're expecting a baby (or a few)! Take care of yourself! I'm wishing you and your family all the best! Blessings, Kate

christelle is flabbergasting said...

I haven't had the chance to say "congratulatioooons for the baby" yet! So : BIG congratulations !!! And, well, even If I was/am that kind of super-sweet-twin-girl, I hope there will be only ONE baby... as you wish! Happy August and a lot of corns for you (and well, me too!;))

Peter said...

Sounds like someones been super busy this month! But I can relate to constant corn.

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions Aimee! Wonderful news! All the best, and remember to rest too, with all the things you have set your mind to! :)

dina (Lucas' mom) said...

Aimee!! i am so happy for you guys!! congrats. hope you're feeling well and the boys are super excited. we're due for #2 in jan...

Abby said...

Aw, congratulations! I'm a little behind on blogs because I just recently welcomed another little one of my own.

JohnPateson said...

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