Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday Earth Week: Look Closely


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos Aimee! Isn't is wonderful to watch everything bloom and grow anew this time of year? The boys are getting such a delightful hands-on education right in their own back yard. This morning I noticed a very plump robin fly out from under my back deck so I went to investigate and yup, she's building her nest there for the eggs she will lay soon. Last year three eggs hatched in a nest built under our front deck and I managed to get a photo of both the eggs and eventually, the brand new babies. Amazing!

Melissa said...

Love the snail! It is huge!

Barbara said...

How cute is that? Your kids are having so much fun! And so proud of their find.

I love the surprise red bloom in a monotone field!

Lazaro Cooks said...

Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!

Rambling Tart said...

I love Wordless Wednesday! :-)

Amie said...

Great pictures! I used to love to play with bugs when I was a little kid...aah the fond memories.

The Yummy Mummy said...

I think these might be my favorite pictures of yours. Lovely.

And we never find snails that big. Geez, totally jealous.


Terrie said...

Love it! Did the boys name their snails?

Shayne said...

wow I can't get over how big your boys are getting already

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and I love it! Your so talented in photography and baking/cooking! and your boys are adorable! I can't wait to see what else you blog about!


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