Saturday, September 06, 2008

Happy Birthday to UtHC and a Giveaway Present for You!

Today is our second birthday here at Under the High Chair and I am celebrating by giving you a present! Find out at the end of the post how you can win this world-class spice kit for your own cooking pleasure!

Today we are celebrating two years of blogging! Hip hip hooray! Go ahead, give us a pat on the back. I'm so excited about this post! Don't go anywhere!

I was thinking last night about how I wanted to sum up this past year of blogging. I was imagining how I would go on and on about how busy the year was, how I wasn't sure how we would get over the hump (sorry, bad pun) of having a baby and how that would affect my blogging time, but shucks, who wants to read about all that?The bottom line is: I'm still here and more importantly, so are you!

I want to say a big 'thank you' to my readers, both those of you who have been with me since day one and the new arrivals; you guys are the best!

There are two things I would like to do for you to show my appreciation, one is a virtual dinner party that you are all invited to (also to showcase a few dishes from this past year) and second, a fantastic giveaway that I intend to ship anywhere in the world (or deliver in person if the lucky winner is local)!! So, hurry, cancel whatever you were doing tonight, and get over here!

First up: Dinner Party

I've said before, picking a favorite dish or post on Under the High Chair is like being asked who I love more, Noah or Mateo: completely impossible to answer. So don't consider these dishes to be my final word on my ultimate best dish, but more like recipes I can't get enough of, my fall-back dishes for entertaining and food that is just so good you forget all your troubles.

So come on in and kick your shoes off!

I would love to wake up your palate with my most seductive amuse bouche, Foie Gras Sushi with Pears and Ice Cider Reduction. Enjoy it while you are curled up on the sofa or perched on my piano bench; it's a perfect way to start the evening.
A glass of chilled ice cider goes with it and a few napkins; it's pretty messy and meant to be eaten in two big bites. No nibbling here! It's important to get all the components - nori, rice, wasabi, pear, seared foie gras and ice cider reduction - in your mouth at the same time. Cheers!

Leave your glass at the sink and please take a place at the table!
If you found the sushi very rich, you were absolutely right, but now here is a crisp, fresh appetizer with enough acidity to make your taste buds pucker: Winter Salad of Russet Apple, Pomegranate and Toasted Pecans with a Picked Shallot and Apple Cider Vinaigrette. Here's a reminder that fall is just around the corner!
Russet apples happen to be my favorite, but any kind of apple would be lovely in this salad. Cipollini onions are also great instead of shallots, thinly sliced into pretty half moon wedges.

Excuse me for a moment, while I take this focaccia out of the oven. It's best served piping hot, and so easy to make, I whipped it up during the boys' nap time so we could enjoy it with our pasta.
Yeah, there's a story to go along with it about how I got started in professional cooking over ten years ago.
What? You can't believe I had time to make bread? For you, anything!

As a rule I don't usually make pasta for guests--it's so weekday dinner, but, mama mia, this recipe for Seafood Creole Tagliatelle is unlike any pasta you have ever tasted. I should have been grilling all summer long, but instead I found myself, night after night, grinding spices, peeling shrimp and stirring together this decadent dish. Many guests partook of it at my table, and although I tried every time to make extra so we could have leftovers, there was never one noodle left. Even my not-so-adventurous father-in-law (love ya, B!) had third helpings and when offered my famous Caesar salad, said "No thanks, I'm just going to eat pasta until I explode."
'Nuff said. Enjoy!

Well, I hope you still have some room left. Let me just warm up my espresso machine. Since this is a virtual dinner party anyway, we'll pretend I have that $6000 Jura X9 I was drooling over the other day at my fave kitchen store. Espresso or chai latte? The latter would go better with our dessert.
I love pairing spices with chocolate, and this decadent Chocolate Chai Cheesecake is a perfect example. Not a very glamorous dessert (cheesecakes always seem kind of stodgy to me) but you'll be won over with the first bite.

You can undo the button on your jeans if you have to, I won't tell anyone; I know, I'm stuffed too!
Don't worry about the dishes, I never let my guests do them. Shoo.

Thanks for joining me for this birthday dinner! Cheers!

And now for the giveaway!

I wanted to do this for my birthday, but for one reason or another, it didn't happen; fortunately this is the perfect opportunity to make your day and introduce you to some products from my friend, Philippe de Vienne. I've talked about him enough around here so he really doesn't need an introduction.
Longtime staples in my kitchen-- and in professional gourmet kitchens around town--this spice kit will leave you begging for more! This little package contains staples like cumin and cardamom, but also includes some more exotic spices such as long pepper, which is a stunning addition to this Milk Chocolate Pudding-- but there I go again with my chocolate and spice fad.

To win this "Kitchen 101-Base Spices" starter kit all you have to do is leave a comment between today, Saturday, September 6 and Saturday, September 13.
I will do a random draw of your names and notify the winner here on Sunday. As I said before, I'll ship anywhere in the world, and if the lucky winner is local, I will deliver it in person if you wish.
Please no anonymous comments, that's so boring. Good luck!

Ed Note: If you missed the first year of Under the High Chair, this post sums it up for you in a nutshell. There's even a fancy-shmancy slide show for your viewing pleasure!


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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! The meal looks divine!! You have done a good job with the blogging and new baby, so keep up the good work. Jancd

Vicki said...

Happy BlogBirthday! The foie gras sushi looks amazing!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Happy 2nd Birthday! (Would it be terribly rude of me to say that I would really like to have that spice kit? Honest but rude, right?!) Thank you so very much for having me over tonight. I feel so honored to have been your guest! Though you can't tell because of my elastic waistband skirt I'm stuffed! Please, it would be in poor taste (I already started off poorly by remarking on my desire to win said spice kit) if I was to eat and run. So I must insist on helping clean up! :-)

Seriously, here's to another wonderful year of cooking, baking, and blogging!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. The long pepper looks very intriguing.

Varina said...

Mea Culpa, it's my fault there is no leftovers of the creole seafood tagitelle, but as a genuine 1/4 creole I can not be responsible for my actions when presented with shellfish and spices.

Happy Blog Anniversary!


Joyeux anniversaire!!!! I am in for the chai cheesecake since I have a friend who just got back from a month traveling around Indai- this should "hit the spot." Plus, she loves cheesecake... May the 2nd year of Under the High Chair bring lots of fantastique tastes, arômes, and mouth-watering recipes.. All the best to you... Leesa

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Oops-- The comment above is from me...I signed in with the wrong blog account and the cupcake princesse is all in French... Here I am on my most used account.. Leesa in France

James said...

Happy Birthday! Hope this coming year is great for you!

Penny said...

Congrats on two years of blogging. I think it's amazing! Since having a baby 4 months ago I can't even keep up on my tiny family blog :)

Lucy said...

Happy Blogoversary! I had a smashing time at your dinner party :) x

test it comm said...

Congrats on two years of tasty posts! That birthday meal looks really good!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! That dinner party...well, simply fabulous!

Thanks for including us in the fun!


The Atheist Cartographer said...

Happy blog-birthday! I think I certainly could use some chocolate chai cheesecake right now about.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Happy blog birthday -- two years is a huge achievement! Thanks for sharing your party recipes, too. What a wonderful menu that would be...

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I hope I'm still going strong on mine after 2 years... Thanks for dinner- it was delicious!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, foccacia. I have an ongoing lust affair with foccacia.

Celia said...

Thank you for the beautiful dinner. I'm wondering if I could get my 5 y.o. to eat foie gras... or it would just be more for me!

shal said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I love chocolate and spices and can't wait to try your chocolate chai cheesecake. I hope you're proud of your's a delight to read and share in your work!

shal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephanie said...

Happy 2nd Blog Birthday! I love reading your blog...especially since I'm living in Montreal too :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have come to this blog rather late in the game but it's lucid and escapist and clever and I like it.

As for the spices: pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me.

Anonymous said...

It has been a great year! I have added many new favorites to my recipe box. Here's to many, many more : )

Karin said...

As a new mom myself, I'm so impressed that you have kept up with your blog and in such a delicious way. The spice kit looks like it would inspire some great meals. Congrats on two years!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope there are many more to come....

Unknown said...

Wow 2 years congratulations! I keep thinking about starting one but i haven't gotten the courage to start one up yet, i find myself more more involved in trying out all your and other blog's recipes than doing my own work, lol. Keep up the great work, its a great blog

Anonymous said...

Happy blogbirthday! 2 is so fun... Love that focaccia too, Yum!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Thanks so much for the dinner celebration of 2 years of Under the High Chair usual the food was above and beyond...but I insist on doing the dishes after all your hard work.

Mandy said...

I'm lusting after both the focaccia and the cheesecake! Love your blog Aimee and will keep coming back! Happy Birthday!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Oh, I am so coming over for dinner, virtual or not! Let's see, a flight from Calgary should only take 5 hours or so...
Congratulations! I'm glad you are sticking around. I hope Mateo is a better eater for you.
If I win, will you send me a couple of russet apples with the spices, we can't get them here? They are my all time favourite apple.

Culinary Wannabe said...

Happy Birthday! What a wonderful accomplishment to have kept up with this thru all of life's little (and big - baby!) trials. Your blog is such a pleasure to read and I am constantly gushing over your beautiful food. The dinner looks amazing - I might just be ringing your doorbell! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday :) I discovered your blog only recently and have been going through the archives.... Have yet to try some recipes but they all look so delicious that I think I will have to do it soon.

Anonymous said...

oops! I am anonymous???? computer boggles.

Madeline said...

Happy Birthday to your blog! Your birthday dinner looks fantastic, especially the pasta. I'm not surprised your father in law kept wanting more! Cheers to two years and many blessings for your third.

Jen said...

That spice kit looks phenomenal! So glad to have found your blog, I enjoy it very much.

Kay said...

Happy Birthday to Under the High Chair! And thanks, Aimee for a blog I keep coming back to...

Sara said...

Happy blog birthday!!! I love reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

not gonna lie, when i stumbled upon your blog about a year-ish ago, i went back and read all your archived posts :) always a pleasure to read slash drool over.
congratulations! (more years, please!)

Ilissa said...

Happy birthday! This looks like such a wonderful kit!

Jenny said...


My daughter just turned 2; I do all my cooking with her watching from her high chair. Oh, the things she's rejected! :)

This was a great post, put a big smile on my face.

(I also love chocolate + spices... I'm eating a chili pepper spiced brownie for breakfast right now!)

RecipeGirl said...

Happy blog birthday! You've still done a great job of popping in to post between the busy days of your family life! Love your dinner party choices :)

missweb said...

Two already. My how you are growing UTHC. Happy Birthday to you! Wishing you all the best for the new year.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm new to your blog, I discovered it only a month ago but am loving going through the archives! Can't wait to try your cheesecake!

Anonymous said...

happy blogirthday! i definitely have to try making the pasta dish one day. your recipes and pictures are a wonderful inspiration.

ssomerville said...

Happy Birthday! Fantastic looking meal! Especially the amuse!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... Spices congrats on two years sis. put me in that draw too! - Josh

Anonymous said...

A hands down congratulations for two years of taste bud teasing great blogs! Here's to seeing lots more. You are an inspiration to many.

ikkinlala said...

Congratulations on two years of blogging, and what an amazing dinner party!

Bronwyn said...

Congrats on 2 years! I have enjoyed your blog over the past 6-8 months and find it inspiring! My partner and I are about to embark on a full time baking journey as we have just bought a bakery in Montreal. He is the baker/pastry guy and I am a want to be baker who has found inspiration in your blog! I am doing jams today and would like to attend the "jam swap" and have done my own cupcake taste testing around the city! I had similar findings!
Contats also for being named in the best mommy blog....I am a massage therapist and pilates instructor working alot with babes and moms!
So happy to have found your blog..please keep it up! Great content..great and links!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd blog birthday, Aimee! I really wish I had seen the best 10 camping food post before we went camping. It could have been a more delicious trip. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Happy bloganniversary!

The kit looks suspiciously like the one Camelia Sinensis uses for their "discovery" tea packages. In either cases, seems like a good idea to offer a variety of spices (or tea).

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Anniversary! Now, let's celebrate by enjoying a slice of that Chocolate Chai Cheesecake!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
That chocoolate-chai cheesecake is going on my food to-do list.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Happy Blog-Birthday! The dishes you've posted look amazing.

hungry crasian said...

happy birthday and anniversary!
you just found yourself a new reader...found you from tastespotting.

Anonymous said...

That focaccia looks great! Man, I need to get started making my own bread. Happy birthday! :)

Anonymous said...

That focaccia looks great! Man, I need to get started making my own bread. Happy birthday! :)

Unknown said...

FranMag said...

Happy Blog Birthday! Your virtual meal sounds incredible, and I didn't find any part of that cheesecake to be stodgy. I would love to win that set of spices!

Jordan said...

Happy Anniversary!

Mmm, foccacia <3

Amy said...

What a fabulous sounding dinner. Now if only it was prepared and in my house ready for eating!

Happy blog birthday.

Anonymous said...

The foccacia looks delicious! I will have to try that soon. Happy Birthday!

ChazFrench said...

Wow... found your site via Tastespotting.

That spice kit looks totally awesome and if I'm not lucky enough to win one, I'll just have to go buy one.

But I'll take a chance here first!

Awesome recipes you've got here!

Esi said...

Happy Blog Birthday!! Cheers to many more!

Susan said...

Huzzah for tastespotting! Looks fab, I wish i trusted my oven enough to cook focaccia in it.

Alex A. said...

Foie Gras Sushi looks incredible!

(I'm squinting at those spices, trying to figure out what they are. Details?)

Jacki said...

Gorgeous, that sushi is amazing! Happy Birthday and congrats on two years of blogging!

Mike C said...

Happy Birthday. I am impressed with your photos, your recipes and your delightful sense of humor. Long may you rave

Elle said...

Happy Birthday! What an amazing giveaway!

Tom said...

Cocolate + chai + cheesecake = teh win!

Kitten said...

happy blogeversary!!

Anonymous said...

Happy B^2-day! I love your Seafood Creole Tagliatelle - it looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

awwwww happy blogiversary!

Martin said...

I'm a fresh college student in need of some help to get my kitchen started! These would really be helpful to me. Love your blog!

A said...

must have spices.

bee said...

happy second bday!

Dawn0fTime said...

Happy 2nd Birthday! This is the 2nd time I've celebrated a 2nd birthday this weekend - a little boy's and yours. :)

anado said...

happy "blirthday"

CMagnifico said...

I will have to try both the salad and the cheesecake, both look absolutely amazing. I mush admit that I "Stumbleuponed" this blog, but it is definitely being filed away under my favourites.

Happy Blogoversary!!!



paneer said...

oooh, pretty spices.

happy anniversary!

Rindy R said...

Happy 2nd Birthday! Your an inspiration to us all!

Adi said...

it all looks amazing!

Marilyn @ said...

Oh my goodness I'm such a sucker for a delicious focaccia! Thank you for the tasty tips, and may you get many tasty birthday wishes too!

rachel said...

happy blog birthday!

Teresa said...

I just found your blog. I can't wait to waste the rest of my evening browsing through it. The dishes can wait til morning! LOL! Happy Blog Birthday!

Rachelle S said...

Happy Blog*Birthday!
Your virtual dinner was amazing ;)

Alyson said...

Happy Anniversary. I love spices! (and, I'll admit, I just found your blog because of the spices but am intrigued and am sure to keep reading.)

pinchofsalt said...

That cheesecake looks phenomenal, I can't wait to try it!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I found your site! I love finding new, delicious food sites.

good luck with your third year!

MichaM said...

Congrats on 2 years!
I'll definitely be partaking in dinner...what can I bring ;)

Elizabeth said...

good luck!

dailydesignspot said...

congrats!! and here is to many many more!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and may your wonderful site celebrate many more! I just ate, but your dinner party has me hungry again!

Lissy said...

Love the look of the pasta and cheesecake...heading for summer here so great recipes to try...Happy Blog Birthday :)

una donna dolce said...

Happy blogiversary! That sounds divine!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the dinner party! Very inspiring. Go new spices!

Dan the Man said...

I'm going for the personal delivery! Congratulations! Love you,

Your favourite husband.

LyB said...

Two years of blogging, wow, I hope I can get to one year intact! Congrats Aimée, everything always looks fabulous and I look forward to your next two years worth of posts! :)

Lori said...

Congratulations. A great idea with the giveaway! I have two little girls and completely understand about time constraints.

You have beautiful food!

Anonymous said...

My Wife is making me leave this comment, although I do read your blog and enjoy many of your recipes. :) Keep the good food and pictures coming!

amy said...

Happy anniversary! I just stumbled onto your blog recently, but will certainly be coming back for more!

Unknown said...

Happy Blog-Birthday! Thanks for the wonderful ideas. As a young mom myself I can't imagine the hard work of maintaining the blog(or putting up with the constant rejection of what you think is great food)


Anonymous said...

happy birthday!! i absolutely love your gorgeous blog and delicious recipes :) perhaps it'll give me the courage to start my own lil blog one day ;) hope there's many more UTHC years of great stories and stunning food!


Crista said...

I wandered over here from tastespotting and the cheesecake alone has hooked me! The whole dinner party was wonderful, but that cake made my sweet tooth ache!

Alice Carrier said...

that pomegranate apple salad looks lovely! (spice kit spice kit spice kit)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday !
neat site
always looking for inspiration

aleta meadowlark said...

Oh happy birthday! I have tried to keep a number of blogs on a number of topics and not one has made it past three months. I commend you on the success of your efforts!

Also, fresh spices, mmmm! They make such a world of difference.

scrapper al said...

Happy Blog Birthday! The dinner and spices look divine!

P.S. I found you via Tastespotting.

Chinadoll said...

Happy Birthday! The seafood tagliatelle looks great. I can't wait to try it out.... and the cheesecake too.

Emily said...

Happy birthday UTHC!

Boy, that dinner was good! I'm about to pop. I really pushed it with the cheesecake...probably shouldn't have had that second piece.

sarah said...

happy b-log-irthday!! i'm a bit of a rookie, but am really enjoying learning about all of these different flavor combos!! this spice kit would certainly peek my culinary curiosity!! YUM! - thank you for your fun evening!!

ros_davis said...

Happy birthday!

Julia from Dozen Flours said...

I just love your blog. I love the way you write and your lovely photos too. Congratulations on your 2nd Birthday!! I can't wait to see what this year brings!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that spice kit looks fantastic!

Kainoa said...

Happy Birthday! What amazing food you made! YUM YUM!

kkristall said...

I have been a fan for quite some time. mm.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Joy Joy Birthday/anniversary to you and this fantastic blog! Love the sushi foie gras, fantastic job!

Would love to use all those spices in our tiny kitchen!!

Anonymous said...

The sushi is intriguing, but I have to admit, the cheesecake was what got me. Stodgy or not, cheesecake is love.

Happy blogiversary!

Danielle said...

Happy Blogiversary!! :D

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing your Blog Birthday with me. I always enjoy sharing my food with friends electronically; we've created some amazing things that way -- imagination is key to children and food.

Regan at Miss Maillard said...

Oh dear, oh dear, I've found you through Tastespotting and been through the past year of your blog just tonight, and I think I may very well be in love. Happy Birthday, and where have you been all my life.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, Cheesecake sounds good right about now!
Happy Birthday and hope you have many more!

Camille said...

I love when people do blog giveaways for exciting days in their lives--or blogs. Such a fun way to share the joy. Congrats!

allie said...

What an amazing meal! Happy Birthday!

AranciOnissimA said...

This present will get my life very spicy!
Happy Birthday!
Buon Compleanno

Victoria said...

happy bloganniversary

David Hall said...

Nice one Aimee - and 128 comments?!?! Is that because you are giving something away I wonder? :o)

Congrats on the 2 years, keep up the good work.


Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

happy blog birthday. Good job on all your nice food pictures.

Marthe said...

Happy Bloggiversary!! I just love love love the chocolate cake!

Liliana said...

What a perfect dinner party to celebrate your second anniversary!

Congratulations and wishes for many, many more!

Your dinner looks divine.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you!! Keep up the great posts!

Kevin said...

Those spices look amazing!
Happy Blogthday!

Veronique said...

Happy Birthday!! I love your blog! I didn't have my breakfast yet and I'm already craving your chocolate chai cake and focaccia lol.

Twin Tables said...

Congrats on 2 years. This blog is fun and creative...and I loved your virtual dinner party. I am definitly full after this post. Keep up the good blog!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary and thanks for all the awesome pictures and recipes. They always made my days tastier.

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary! The dinner sounds (and looks) absolutely delicious - you've got me sitting at my desk desperately wanting to get home to work!

Trista said...

Just found your blog via Tastespotting and I can't wait to explore it! Congrats on 2 years :-)

Nicole said...

The foccacia looks amazing!! Happy Birthday!

Helen said...

Happy Birthday! The foie gras sushi looks incredibly delicious. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a wonderful blog site. I have just stumbled on it in the last few weeks and am hooked. What a wonderful indulgence to sit with my coffee and read your blog each day.

Keep up the good work.

Portable Soap Box Girl said...

I've perused your blog for awhile now but this has moved me to comment. I made your foccacia last weekend and it was such a bit along with some very savoury and wonderful adult (most of my friends have kids and being kidless....I don't cook for them) appetizers and a great Argentinian Malbec. Anyways, I love your blog and know I can always count on your recipes to turn out if I follow them faithfully. Happy Birthday and keep up the great posts!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I hope next year brings great things.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on another year! Your dinner party looks smashing and the spice kit is intriguing.

allen [at] eatingoutloud [dot] com

Anonymous said...

happy happy!
wishing you many more years of classy food! and classy blogging!

Maytheswartzbewithyou said...

The long pepper sounds intriguing. Never apologize for chocolate and spice.

Stroudster B said...

Mmmmmm ..... Prizes....

Happy Blog birthday.

Unknown said...

I made the chocolate chai cheesecake, it was wonderful! Just got turned on to your blog, keep up the good work.


Shalini said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Holy moly cow...150 comments. I guess that shows how many people read, eh? Congrats, Aimee, xox

Anonymous said...

Happy two year blogiversary! What an exciting giveaway prize, thanks so much for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I always celebrate my domain's birthday, it's so fun, I've an excuse to bake a cake ahahaxD

Keep up the good job!

Avory said...

Happy birthday! What a cool idea, too. I love exotic spices and I can't get many of them.

Kir said...

happy birthday to your blog! Love the site!

filthy cute said...

happy birthday!

i am going to have to try your foie gras sushi...

kamewh said...

Happy Birthday! I love your blog!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Happy blog birthday, darling!
Here's to many more!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! And thanks for the lovely dinner.

I soooooooo love your spice kit.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! What a lovely virtual meal!

Anonymous said...

well, I'm stuffed! That was a fabulous dinner. I don't think I've ever had a meal like that.

Happy birthday to your blog...oh, and I love the name and it's meaning...I live under the high chair too... :)

Valisa said...

happy happy birthday! May your life be blessed with more colours, scents, textures and tastes. And love and fortune embracing you daily!

Anonymous said...

Happy BlogBirthday! 2 years! Wow where has the time gone. Love the virtual dinner. The pasta, OMG, it looks wonderful! I would love to win the spices. Pick me..wooohooo...over here.

Katrina W. said...

Thank you for all the wonderful inspirations! I adore your blog. Happy Anniversary!!


Anonymous said...

How wonderful to be going on this long. Sometime soon (10 years? ha ha) he will come around to your skills. You definitely have me wishing I was local right now but I would love to entered regardless.

The Bing's said...

Happy Birthday! The pasta looks amazing.

Bex said...

Contratulations on two years!
That cheesecake looks absolutely sinful.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Under the High Chair!! Keep up the great work...and keep posting those delicious recipes:)

Toni said...

Happy Birthday UTHC! Your blog is always a good time. I love that apple, celery, pecan, pomegranate salad. I made it a bunch of times last year.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Aimee!! Even with two little ones to care for, the posts, the food, and pics are always top notch....

Dinner...totally awesome! Thanks!

Here's to you and more of UtHC, Cheers!


Agdah said...

Happy blog birthday!!!! That sushi piece looks great.

Em said...

Happy Birthday! I love your blog and think you are absolutely fab!

Anonymous said...

I've just discovered your blog - came here by way of TasteSpotting - and am so glad I did! 2 years of reading to catch up on, now :-)

Hit Pay Dirt said...


Aimee, I discovered your blog while planning our mini-honeymoon to Montreal with my husband - so UtHC will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart.

All the best!!!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for BlogDays! I too found your blog through Tastespotting and I'm excited to get caught up! I'm a poor college student with delicious dreams, ha ha! Anyway, congratulations and thanks for the delightful "virtual dinner". :)

josie said...

Bravo pour ce beau blog, j'aime beaucoup tes recettes et ta façon d'écrire, je te lis presqu'à tous les jours depuis que je t'ai découvert. Tes photos sont aussi très belles et appétissantes et tes recettes sont assez facile à faire... On aime bien ça ; )
Merci pour ton temps ; )
Bon 2ième anniversaire!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! And what a beautiful meal!!

iheartmies said...

happy birthday!@

Unknown said...

Delurking for the spice set -- here's being hopeful!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd BlogBday!! Love the site, Great Work!

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Happy birthday and thanks for inviting me to your feast. It's all wonderful! I hope your next year brings as much fun and phenomenal food to your blog.

Sara said...

Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog and enjoy every post!

Anonymous said...

Happy second birthday. I thought I had a fully stocked spice rack, but it appears not so! Thanks for all the great ideas!

Kind regards,


Zaak said...

Good Lord! You have 185 comments! I am your student.

Thanks for disrupting my digestive system on a regular basis Aimée, you're a gem.

EFG said...

It looks so pretty!

anna said...

Dear UtHC, love your blog,my kids loved your donut recipe.Keep up the good work.LOVE aNNA

Deborah said...

Happy 2 years!! And what a wonderful "virtual" dinner party!! I can't decide which one I liked best!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and Blogiversary! Having just celebrated my first year, I now know how much work goes in the creation of a blog.

Here's to many more! :o)

kevininspace said...

Wait! Before going out and spending $6000 on the Jura X9, come see me first! Like how about the venerable Rancilio Silvia, or the Ascaso Steel Duo? Much less expensive, so you can splurge on a $350 grinder, which, believe me, makes ALL the difference. You may even want to go all out and buy some $130/lb Esmeralda coffee (in 2006, this coffee won the Cup of Excellence and was about $130/lb), or support our very own (Canadian) 49th Parallel Roasters Coffee (

When it comes to coffee or espresso, don't skimp!

Shayne said...

Wow 190 comments and now 191 and I hope I win cause this is really cool. Happy Birthday UtHC I have to say it has been a joy for me.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Happy 2nd Birthday...found a post about your blog over on my friend Leesa's blog...

Wow I would love to come to dinner at your house!!! Bit of a distance though, I live in England.

I would be most upset if the pasta dish was not on the menu :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy bloggy birthday. What a fantastic giveaway! I'm bloggging about it today. Thanks!

amycaseycooks said...

happy 2nd birthday!! your photos and writing is superb. here's to many more birthdays in the years to come.

Super Fun Mama said...

Happy blog birthday! Thanks for the contest!

Pammiedoodle said...

Happy Birthday!!! What a generous giveaway. I love your blog and have had it bookmarked for quite a while and check regularly and have tried many of your fabulous recipes!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday! And what a party you throw! Look at all your guests- Good thing you have all this wonderful food.
Have a perfect day!

Brilynn said...

Happy blog birthday and here's to another year!

Tammy said...

Wow - look at those comments! As usual, every food item looks good. And, I vote for Noah only because I know of his cuteness in person and have yet to meet Mateo. ;)

m said...

Yes - with still 30 minutes left on your deadline. As I mentioned in my other comment, it was really nice to have met you! Paul and I are obsessed with food and really enjoy food blogs so meeting you and learning about this blog is the most exciting thing ever.
Melanie :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday UtHC! I know I'm late for the spice rack, but I love the blog anyway! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Happy belated birthday UtHC! The blog looks great! Sorry, I couldn't post earlier...actually, I feel more sorry for myself, seeing how I missed out on that great looking spice rack! :P Who ever wins that better put it to good use!

It was great meeting the family on Saturday. Finally, I can put a face to the names! Hope to see you all sometime soon. :)

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